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  • Cassie

Setting Newborn Puppies Up for Success

What is the best way to socialize and interact with puppies from birth to 16 days of life? Many breeders, including myself, use Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) programs. I implemented the Super Puppy ENS program for my Summer 2022 litter and with my business partner's Fall/Winter 2022 litters. These puppies were very outgoing and not fearful, but were possibly a tad more

wild than usual. Recently, I had a conversation with another breeder who barely touches the puppies until after they are three weeks old. This is supposed to make calmer and more secure puppies. I have not researched this theory much yet, but I am going to start looking into it thoroughly. The thought of not touching the puppies much for the first three weeks seems impossible. If I find research that supports this theory, I may try it in future litters or do a litter half in half with these methods. I want to create the healthiest most well rounded puppies as possible and I feel like that cannot be done without trying new things and exploring new techniques.

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